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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

CA-Gov: Schwarzenegger Falling and Retreating

Posted by Bob Brigham

Not long ago, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was expected to coast to any easy re-election. But in a few short months, the Schwarzenegger administration has nose-dived and is on course to crash and burn in California's 2006 gubernatorial campaign.

First up, not what Schwarzenegger wants to see in the news:

OAKLAND, CALIF. — California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's "Year of Reform" is fast becoming a year of retreat.

What began in January as an outsized agenda — encompassing a range of issues as arcane as redistricting and as controversial as merit pay for teachers — has steadily shrunk as a chastened governor is set back on his heels, stung by his own missteps and an increasingly emboldened opposition.

Already, he has abandoned an initiative to privatize the state's pension system, as well as promises to drastically cut the bureaucracy in Sacramento. Now, he appears to be considering a plan to drop the merit-pay measure. Add in a few ill-conceived comments antagonizing immigrants and nurses, and Governor Schwarzenegger has reached a low point of his administration.

The problem with California is that when a politician is perceived to be weak, they are eaten alive. Which is why the latest poll numbers are even worse news for the Governator. From the subscription only Hotline:

Pollster Mark Mellman: "Schwarzenegger's failures and his failings and his battle with teachers, nurses and public safety workers have taken a tremendous toll on his image. He's nose-dived and is now worse off than George Bush in California"

The poll (onducted 4/18-21 for the California Teachers Association; surveyed 800 likely voters; margin of error ± 3.5%) shows Schwarzenegger with a 29% re-elect number and an approval rating of only 38%.

The last poll I noticed had Schwarzenegger at 43% (down from 59% in January).

Has Governor Schwarzenegger really fallen more than 20 pts so far this year?

It really doesn't matter...at this point, the sharks smell blood in the water and no matter how much Arnold retreats on the issues, he will be chased down and ripped apart.

Cover the eyes of the children, this is going to get ugly.

Posted at 05:22 PM in 2006 Elections - State, California | Technorati