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Friday, August 12, 2005

MT-Sen: Tester on Burns Abramoff Scandal

Posted by Bob Brigham

From a Jon Tester email:

Tester: "Where There’s Smoke, There’s Burns"

Jon Tester today spoke up about Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who was indicted along with a business partner yesterday on five counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy.

As Jon Tester said in a statement, “Jack Abramoff is now under federal indictment for wire fraud and conspiracy. The larger scandal involves alleged falsified financial documents and a mob-style hit on a businessman. Unfortunately, it also includes Conrad Burns’ former chief of staff, former appropriations staffer, and former state director.

“This is the sort of story I’d read about in a John Grisham novel. I don’t like reading about it in the press in connection with my state’s junior Senator. It raises the question that keeps coming up: Why is it that where there’s smoke, there’s Burns?”

It would be nice if the local press would ask and get an answer to that question.

Posted at 06:50 PM in Montana | Technorati