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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

NJ-Gov: Forrester's Self-Donations Looking Pretty Illegal

Posted by DavidNYC

Check out this statement from the Corzine campaign about Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Forrester's campaign donation scandal. Looks like another nail in Forrester's coffin.

For those new to this story, insurance companies which do business in NJ (and their majority shareholders) aren't allowed to donate to political campaigns in NJ. Forrester happens to own 51% of an insurance company, and has given his own campaign scads of cash. Now, the state's insurance department has written a formal letter confirming that Forrester has a major problem - and Corzine has asked the state attorney general to investigate the matter.

Oops, to say the least.

(From the Corzine Connection blog, via Atrios.)

Posted at 06:16 PM in New Jersey | Technorati