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Sunday, April 24, 2005

LA-Mayor: Hahn Cracks in Debate

Posted by Bob Brigham


Struggling in the polls, Hahn assumed the role of a challenger, accusing Villaraigosa of being the candidate of inertia and shopworn ideas.

"(Villaraigosa) wants to defend the status quo," said Hahn, who is seeking a second, four-year term.

When the incumbent calls the challenger the status quo candidate it is time for a serious ass whoopin. If that isn't enough evidence, you know Villaraigosa is going to win when Hahn is bogged down in denials:

Hahn responded by saying that "no one has found that anyone has done anything wrong in my administration so far."

Villaraigos is going to kick Hahn's ass. My bet is it will be a double-digit victory.

Posted at 12:39 AM in 2005 Elections, California | Technorati