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Sunday, August 28, 2005

Katrina and the Louisana National Guard

Posted by Bob Brigham

Lot of great links in the discussion over Patricia Taylor's Daily Kos diary. Such as ABC News:

JACKSON BARRACKS -- When members of the Louisiana National Guard left for Iraq in October, they took a lot equipment with them. Dozens of high water vehicles, humvees, refuelers and generators are now abroad, and in the event of a major natural disaster that, could be a problem.

"The National Guard needs that equipment back home to support the homeland security mission," said Lt. Colonel Pete Schneider with the LA National Guard.

And the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

In no state have those deaths registered more than in Louisiana. Louisiana, along with New York, has lost more guardsmen and reservists - 23 as of July 24 - than any state in the nation, and all but one of those deaths have come in the last eight months.

Patricia Taylor says:

Unfortunately, the citizens of the state of Louisiana are about to face the full force of Katrina without the benefit of their National Guard troops to protect them.

This is a direct consequence of President Bush's bad decision to invade Iraq.

This week we're going to see the results of Bush's choice to gamble without having our strategic reserve National Guard troops in their states where they belong.

UPDATE: (Bob) More...National Guard Belongs in the Nation.

Posted at 04:18 PM in Louisiana | Technorati