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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

NJ-Gov: Corzine in Control

Posted by Bob Brigham

A new poll for New Jersey's gubernatorial race, from Quinnipiac:

Democratic U. S. Sen. Jon Corzine leads Republican Douglas Forrester 47 – 37 percent in the race for Governor of New Jersey, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Republican voters back Forrester 77 – 12 percent, as Democrats back Corzine 82 – 9 percent, and independent voters tip to Forrester 39 – 37 percent.

In an open-ended question by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll, where voters can give any answer, 40 percent list taxes, including 31 percent who list property taxes, as the most important problem in New Jersey today. No other issue rises to double digits as a voter concern.
Fifty-four percent of New Jersey voters dislike the property tax the most, followed by 13 percent who most dislike the federal income tax, with 9 percent each disliking the Social Security tax, the state income tax and the state sales tax.

“There is little indication Doug Forrester got any significant bounce from his GOP primary victory in New Jersey, since Sen. Corzine still leads by 10 points. In fact, Corzine is polling near the magic 50 percent mark while four in 10 voters don't know enough about Doug Forrester to form an opinion,” said Clay F. Richards, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Corzine is in good shape.

Posted at 11:04 AM in New Jersey | Technorati