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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bush Tells the Truth (Unless You're a College Republican)

Posted by Bob Brigham

From tonight's speech:

And to those watching tonight who are considering a military career, there is no higher calling than service in our Armed Forces.

Unless you are a (chickenshit) College Republican:

"Frankly, I want to be a politician. I'd like to survive to see that," said Vivian Lee, 17, a war supporter visiting the convention from Los Angeles,

Lee said she supports the war but would volunteer only if the United States faced a dire troop shortage or "if there's another Sept. 11."

"As long as there's a steady stream of volunteers, I don't see why I necessarily should volunteer," said Lee, who has a cousin deployed in the Middle East.

In an election season overwhelmed by memories of the Vietnam War, the U.S. military's newest war ranks supreme among the worries confronting much of Generation Y'ers. Iraq is their war.

"If there was a need presented, I would go," said Chris Cusmano, a 21-year-old member of the College Republicans organization from Rocky Point, N.Y. But he said he hasn't really considered volunteering.

Posted at 08:31 PM in Republicans | Technorati