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Monday, May 09, 2005

Political Blog Consultants: Blogmaster Update

Posted by Bob Brigham

In 2006, it will be hard to be relevant if you don't have a Netroots Organizer. To-date, some of the best talent has already been scooped up. But since my last post on the industry, a number of signings have been announced by those hiring from within the blogosphere.

David Sirota has launched a Working for Change blog and Mical Shifry mentions another big hire:

And now I see that Aldon Hynes, one of the hardest working veterans of the Dean grassroots, who blogs at Orient Lodge and Greater Democracy, has been hired as Blogmaster for Mayor John DeStefano of New Haven who is running for Governor of Connecticut. It's a trend!

Aldon has an interesting post on his personal blog describing how he came to take his new job.

And Talk Left notices that Air America has announced a great score:

Liberal bloggers all know The Hamster. Eric Hananoki started the Hamster as a freshman at George Washington. We were early linkers to each other and got to know each other through e-mails. Now, Eric is graduating (already!) from GW and moving on....to Air America Radio and Al Franken's blog.

If you are a blogger who was hired because of your blogging portfolio, drop me a note.

Posted at 02:13 PM in Netroots | Technorati