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Monday, May 09, 2005

Philly-DA: Big Mo' for Seth Williams

Posted by Tim Tagaris

Over the past two weeks, Philadelphia bloggers have alerted me to big news brewing in the "City of Brotherly Love." They have rallied behind Democratic District Attorney candidate Seth Williams in a contested primary against incumbent Lynn Abraham. The reasons they find this specific primary race so important are best elucidated by Daniel of Young Philly Politics.

Just the other day, a reporter from the Philadelphia Inquirer called me to talk about why a bunch of local bloggers rallying around Seth Williams is relevant. We talked for about 45 minutes and he is apparently set to run an article tomorrow about the Netroots support for Williams. We talked about what I have written about HERE and HERE. But most importantly, Williams now has the Big Mo', despite being outspent 26-1 in the race. Just yesterday, the eighth largest paper in the country, The Philadelphia Inquirer endorsed Seth Williams.

But Philadelphians don't have to wait for Abraham to wake up one day and realize she has stayed "too long." They have a chance now to choose a worthy successor to Abraham with fresher, better ideas to fight crime in their city. His name is SETH WILLIAMS, and The Inquirer recommends him to Democratic voters in their party's May 17 primary.
That's right, the primary is May 17th. If you are in the Philadelphia area, consider volunteering for Seth Williams.

Posted at 09:11 AM in Pennsylvania | Technorati


Thanks, Tim, for watching what is happening. End result? Dunno. But, especially as blogs grow in their localization, this is the sort of thing that could get huge. At the very least, our little ad-hoc coalition is making us all aware of each other, and the fact that there are engaged activists all over the city with common interests.

Hopefully the long-awaited Inq. story goes in tomorrow, exactly one week before election day.

Posted by: DanielUA [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 9, 2005 10:43 AM | Permalink | Edit Comment | Delete Comment