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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Iowa to Hold Pole Position in Primaries

Posted by Bob Brigham

From the Des Moines Register:

Despite the clamor from some national Democrats to dump Iowa from its leading role in the presidential nominating race, only one alternative to the traditional Iowa-New Hampshire kickoff will be offered when national party leaders meet this weekend.

Of the three proposals to be presented to a Democratic National Committee commission in Chicago on Saturday, only Michigan's delegation is expected to challenge the traditional first-in-the-nation status of the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire pri- mary.

Observers say, as some commission members do privately, that it's unlikely Iowa and New Hampshire will lose their coveted positions as the first major nominating contests in 2008.

With Mark Brewer leading the Michigan delegation, their influence is tiny (ask Donnie Fowler). It will be interesting to see what comes out of the Chicago meetings.

Posted at 10:02 AM in 2008 President - Democrats | Technorati