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Monday, May 23, 2005

DSCC Email: Time is Running Out

Posted by Bob Brigham

I just received the following email from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee on the GOP Abuse of Power:

Time is running out. At any moment, Bill Frist could trigger the "nuclear option" and end the filibuster as we know it. This abuse of power is nothing less than a brazen attempt to change the rules so the Republicans can pack our federal courts with extremist right wing judges.

There is only one way to stop this partisan power grab. We have to show Bill Frist and the Senate Republicans that the American people oppose them now and that we will remember these events on Election Day. That's why I'm asking you to join the DSCC in opposition to the nuclear option by signing our new petition today.

Click here to oppose the nuclear option!

This is the absolute last minute. At any moment, Bill Frist could put an end to 200 years of Senate tradition by asking Dick Cheney to make an unprecedented ruling that judicial filibusters are out of order.

The only way to stop this is to show Senate Republicans that when they abuse their power and change the rules, they do so despite having an overwhelming majority of Americans opposed to their actions. Make sure your voice is heard by joining the DSCC today.

Click here to oppose the nuclear option!

Acting immediately is even more important if you live in Maine, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, or Virginia or if you know someone who does. Senators from those states will prove to be the critical swing votes we will need to win this fight.

To save the filibuster and prevent a right wing takeover of our federal courts, we must act today. Please sign the DSCC's new petition before time runs out.


Anne Lewis

I signed.

Posted at 05:15 PM in Nuclear Option | Technorati