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Friday, April 15, 2005

MT-Sen: GOP Acting VERY Defensive

Posted by Bob Brigham

Everyone following Montana's 2006 Senate race knows Conrad Burns is extremely vulnerable. This includes the Montana Republican Party, who have thrown a hissy fit because State Auditor John Morrison has a website. Talking about running scared, the fact the GOP is scared of a (pretty crappy) website demonstrates their defensiveness as they attempt to recover from losing the Governor's mansion, the State House, and the State Senate during the 2004 cycle.

If being spanked last year wasn't bad enough, this year the Montana GOP is stuck with Corrupt Conrad Burns at the head of the ticket.

Matt Singer says:

The GOP is scared about next year. They’re already on the offensive against potential opponents and no one has even declared. Maybe that’s because Burns’ reelect numbers are lower than those Appalachian Hills that East Coasters call mountains.

While it takes little to scare the Montana GOP, instead of fearing Morrison's third rate website, maybe they should be worried about this.

Posted at 01:24 PM in Montana | Technorati