WA-08: Burner Leads in SUSA Poll

I’m too excited to type anything. Here it is!

I just saw that King 5 TV reported a new Survey USA poll, Darcy is up 50-46 over Reichert.  The ad which pointed out that he’s ineffective really knocked him down, the first time his reputation has been damaged in any serious way.  Reichert’s even set up a site, http://www.davereichertdeliver… to rebut the claims.

He has $725k of TV on the air right now just this week, in all likelihood thanks to an illegal corporate contribution from Republican media buying firm Media Plus.


6 thoughts on “WA-08: Burner Leads in SUSA Poll”

  1. But I’ll take your word for it.  Great news for Darcy.  I had almost given up on her.  She showed no movement in the polls for a long time.

  2. This is the second or third poll showing this.  My estimate of the district generic split is about 53D/47R.  Reichart lost his crossover Democratic (-leaner) support to the bailout problem and is not going to get them back.  Congrats, Darcy- this was a tough one.

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